Finding good public liability insurance options doesn't have to be a chore. If you own a small business though, even if you are the only employee, I strongly advise you to invest in a good policy, from a reputable company. Having your company bail out on you in your time of need could break you, and your livelihood.
There are a lot of factors that go in to determining exactly how someone can sue you, but trust me, it does happen. If you can imagine a situation where you could be sued in your day to day tasks, add a little drama to it. Make it completely unbelievable, and then you will have a claim that will be filed against you. People come up with some crazy reasons to sue people these days.
Public Liability Insurance
You could be traveling from your home, to a clients house, where the client has a small kid who skateboards. The kid could fly out into the street, and once he saw your car, he jumped off of his board, breaking his arm. With his parents being money hungry, they quickly put two and two together. You have a business, and it was your fault that their kid has a broken arm.
If you didn't have a reserve fund, or a good public liability insurance policy, you would be in a lot of trouble in this situation. Don't think that your business is too small to require a policy either. If you hold a business license, your livelihood is at stake.
Why You Need Personal Public Liability Insurance
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